App & Tool Integrations
Tracking your affiliate campaigns should be easy. That’s why Refersion has created integrations with many of the most popular marketing tools and e-commerce platforms. Once you have your integrations set up, you can track every click and conversion across all of your affiliate and influencer marketing campaigns.
App Integrations
Refersion integrates with many popular marketing and ecommerce apps so you can easily track the performance of your campaigns.
![Affluent icon](
![Afflytics icon](
![Google Analytics icon](
Google Analytics
Email Apps
![Klaviyo icon](
![Mailchimp icon](
![Envelope icon](
And more
![PayPal icon](
Influencer Management
![#paid icon](
![Upfluence icon](
![Gatsby icon](
E-commerce Management
![Bold Commerce icon](
Bold Commerce
![Carthook icon](
![Shipbob icon](
For a complete list of apps Refersion supports
You can also use Refersion’s Zapier integration to create automations and integrations with thousands of other websites and tools.
Ecommerce Platforms
Adding Refersion to your online business is easy because we support many of the world’s most popular platforms.
Don’t see your platform listed above? You can use the Refersion API to track orders instead.
Want help building a custom feature or integration for your business? Sign up for the Enterprise plan, and we can build a custom integration tailored to your business.
![aws icon](
Refersion runs on AWS infrastructure, so we’re confident in offering 99.9+% uptime. That means you can track every click even when you run large, high-traffic campaigns.
Try Refersion for Free
You can install Refersion on your website in less than 15 minutes. To see how Refersion can help you grow your affiliate revenue.